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  • AWP to co-host symposium on euthanasia

    How can we tell if an animal’s death is a good one? UBC’s Animal Welfare Program is co-hosting a symposium on this topic at the Behaviour 2013 meeting to be held in Newcastle this August. The aim will be to review recent findings and discuss more effective ways of assessing and improving euthanasia methods.

  • PhD student, Gosia Zobel, starts project on the welfare of dairy goats

    Much of the Animal Welfare Program’s work on dairy cattle has focused on how housing and management can be improved – now new work will begin addressing these issues for dairy goats! Although the dairy goat industry is thriving, almost no research has been done on goat welfare. Our new project, in collaboration with the…

  • Benchmarking cow comfort on US dairy farms

    Can the good example set by your peers help to motivate improved welfare on dairy farms? New work in the UBC Animal Welfare Program has been examining the use of benchmarking as a service for farmers and a vehicle for engagement on issues of cow comfort and lameness. A new paper, entitled “Benchmarking cow comfort on…

  • Lameness in US dairy herds

    The latest lameness research from UBC’s Animal Welfare Program was published in the January 2013 issue of the Journal of Dairy Science. The paper, entitled “Herd-level risk factors for lameness in US freestall herds”, illustrates the association between management and lameness in high producing cows housed in two regions of the U.S. Use of deep…

  • New work on euthanasia highlighted in Nature

    The latest research from UBC’s Animal Welfare Program on euthanasia of laboratory animals has been highlighted in an article in Nature. The article discuss how new research is helping to convince laboratories to switch to more humane methods of killing lab animals.

  • Reflections on bringing the collective together: “Non human animals, humans and practice at the University”

    Tomorrow Oct 16th, we will have two of our colleagues: Elisabeth Ormandy and Darren Chang speaking as part of a larger panel to do a follow-up to the Green College lecture series on animal research at the University that was held earlier this year. The event will run from 5.00 – 6.30 pm at the Green College, Coach…

  • “Do We Need a Political Theory of Animal Rights?” Will Kymlicka, October 18th

    The UBC Political Science Department’s Distinguished Speaker Series, the UBC Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions, and the UBC Animal Welfare Program will present a talk by Professor Will Kymlicka, Queen’s University:  “Do We Need a Political Theory of Animal Rights?” To date, inter-disciplinary work on animal ethics has primarily been advanced by moral philosophers/bioethicists…

  • Dr. Carol Morgan receives 2012 Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Humane Award

    Dr. Carol Morgan, Canadian Federation of Humane Society representative on the pig and sheep Code Development Committees, is the 2012 recipient of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Humane Award. This award is presented to an individual whose work is judged to have contributed significantly to the welfare and well-being of animals. Carol graduated from Western…

  • Slow Food Vancouver’s 2012 Agassiz Cycle Tour!

    Do not forget to visit the UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre while cycling the Slow Food Vancouver’s Agassiz Cycle Tour to be held 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Saturday July 28, 2012. Cyclists are invited to visit the centre and learn about it’s research and education programs in animal welfare, animal reproduction and recovery of nutrients from…

  • Guest Speaker: Sam Peterson

    On Friday, August 3rd at 12:00pm, there will have a talk by Sam Peterson, Senior Lecturer in Animal Science; Comparative Physiology and Anatomy Section Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University NZ. The talk will be in Room 180, the H.R. MacMillan Building. Dr Peterson will speak about his research on lactation in sheep and  fetal programming.…