Anjali Parthasarathy’s Story
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Meet Visiting International Research Student Alison Sinnott
The UBC Animal Welfare Program hosts Visiting International Research Students through the VIRS program. This collaboration with researchers and students from across the globe fosters an environment of knowledge sharing which further promotes improving the welfare of animals across the world. Meet Alison, from Ireland, who came to the program having received the Steve Bishop Early Career Award […]
AWP Undergraduate Work Learn Positions
The Animal Welfare Program has received funding through UBC’s Work Learn Program to hire current UBC undergraduate students in a number of different positions for September 2022 to April 2023! These are part time positions (maximum of 300 hours). To see if you are eligible for the program, visit the Work Learn website. In order to apply, […]
Meet Visiting International Research Student Malina Suchon
The UBC Animal Welfare Program hosts visiting international research students through the VIRS program. This collaboration with researchers and students from across the globe fosters an environment of knowledge sharing which further promotes improving the welfare of animals across the world. Many VIRS students reach out to the Animal Welfare program because their program requirements […]
Antonio Hou
Antonio Hou MSc StudentCompanion Animals ABOUT Growing up in a family that did not allow kids to own pets due to allergic issues, I was always eager to make a close furry friend but did not get a chance until I became a practicum student during my undergraduate at the BC SPCA Vancouver branch. […]
Making Science More Accessible: Three Graduate Students Share how they are Communicating Research
Peer-reviewed literature has traditionally been seen as the gold-standard of research communications. While the academic journal is still an important way of sharing knowledge with other academics, the high cost of journal subscriptions and open-access publishing fees can make this approach inaccessible for many. Researchers are increasingly aware that academic journals are only one way […]
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Exploring Dr. Katie Koralesky’s PhD on Convocation Day: Using Institutional Ethnography in Animal Welfare Research
While Dr. Katie Koralesky is currently a post-doctoral fellow with the AWP, she also completed her MSc and PhD with the group under the supervision of Dr. David Fraser. We asked about her PhD research experience in celebration of the conferral of her doctoral degree on June 2nd! During her PhD research, Katie used a […]
Dr. Marina (Nina) von Keyserlingk Awarded the Killam Research Award
Congratulations to Dr. Marina (Nina) von Keyserlingk who has been awarded one of five UBC Killam Research Prizes in the field of Applied Science, Medicine and Science! Nina has been a professor with the UBC Animal Welfare Program since 2002 and a NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Animal Welfare since 2008. Her research and supervision […]