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Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada Sponsors Stratton Lecture: Temple Grandin – Maintaining High Standards in Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada Sponsors Stratton Lecture: Temple Grandin – Maintaining High Standards in Animal Welfare

The Animal Welfare Program at the Faculty of Land and Food Systems invites you to join us for an evening featuring world renowned animal welfare expert, Temple Grandin. Dr. Grandin has revolutionized livestock handling facilities all over the globe and has dedicated much of her life to improving the lives of animals. She is also […]

UBC Alumni are Making Animals in Science Count: Launch of New National Institute

UBC Alumni are Making Animals in Science Count: Launch of New National Institute

How many animals are used in science in Canada each year and for what? Good question! The answer = we don’t really know. And that is why two UBC Alumni, Dr. Elisabeth Ormandy and Dr. Sara Dubois have formed a new national non-profit organization, The Animals in Science Policy Institute. The Animals in Science Policy […]

UBC Undergrads take 2nd Place at Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest

UBC Undergrads take 2nd Place at Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest

UBC Undergrads took 2nd place at the 15th Annual Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest hosted by the Ohio State University.

David Fraser Speaks at the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council

David Fraser Speaks at the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council

Dr. David Fraser, faculty in UBC’s Animal Welfare Program, shares his thoughts about the impact of everyday human behaviour on animal welfare with his talk ” Cars, Cats, Climate Change and Other Neglected Problems of Animal Welfare” (recorded October 5, 2015). [youtube][/youtube]

Canadian Dairy Producers Benefit from UBC Dairy Welfare Research

Canadian Dairy Producers Benefit from UBC Dairy Welfare Research

Milk Producer recently featured an article highlighting how the Canadian dairy industry has benefitted from UBC welfare research. More information found in the Applied Science section on page 40:

UBC to Host Compassionate Conservation Conference 2015

UBC to Host Compassionate Conservation Conference 2015

Registration now open for Compassionate Conservation 2015 conference, hosted by UBC. For more details please visit: