UBC Alumni are Making Animals in Science Count: Launch of New National Institute
How many animals are used in science in Canada each year and for what? Good question! The answer = we don’t really know. And that is why two UBC Alumni, Dr. Elisabeth Ormandy and Dr. Sara Dubois have formed a new national non-profit organization, The Animals in Science Policy Institute. The Animals in Science Policy […]
UBC Undergrads take 2nd Place at Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest
UBC Undergrads took 2nd place at the 15th Annual Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest hosted by the Ohio State University.
UBC Dairy Research Centre Featured in Ubyssey Video
Editors from UBC’s student newspaper, The Ubyssey, visited the UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre last month. They took some great video footage of our student researchers in action, and interviewed PhD candidate Tracy Burnett (Applied Animal Biology) on how the work we do impacts the lives of dairy animals, and benefits Canadian dairy farmers. […]
PhD Candidate is in the June issue of Vancouver magazine!
“[Makowska] gained an interest in lab-animal welfare while an undergrad studying biology and psychology; in her current work, she’s researching the benefits of enriched environments not just for rats, but for the lab technicians who handle them.” Read the full article here.* Way to go, Jo! ***The link, via PressReader, requires an account to access […]
UBC to Host Compassionate Conservation Conference 2015
Registration now open for Compassionate Conservation 2015 conference, hosted by UBC. For more details please visit: http://compassionateconservation.net/save-date-compassionate-conservation-2015-ubc-vancouver-canada-28-31-july-2015/
Global Food Ethics Project
Professor David Fraser is serving as an advisor on the Global Food Ethics Project, aimed at working through conflicting visions of what it means to feed the world ethically.