Julia Lee


MSc Student
Animals in Science



Meeting Professor Daniel Weary and Maria Chen virtually during the pandemic gave me the opportunity to actualise my dream of exploring different farms in China. Maria and I aim to understand laying hen welfare through the perspectives of the farm workers, providing insights on both the limitations front-line workers face on a daily basis, and the opportunities to connect shared values and goals among different stakeholders (farm workers, companies, NGOs, academics, etc.). 

I grew up in Shanghai, China, and spent 5 years in London training as a veterinarian. Throughout my studies, I became increasingly concerned and passionate about farm animal welfare, a field which encompasses the greatest number of animals and where I can potentially create the greatest impact. I was also President of the Student Animal Welfare Society for 2 years where I took part in empowering students to tackle animal welfare issues. Connecting these dots, I see myself in a unique position to help people take better care of their animals, bridging the gaps between scientific evidence and practical/culturally-appropriate interventions.


BVM (Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine), Royal Veterinary College, London (2021)

BC Egg Marketing Board Scholarship (2021)
C W Roberts Jr Memorial Scholarship (2021)