Elizabeth Russell
Congratulations to Elizabeth Russell on graduating with her Masters degree in Applied Animal Biology! Her research focused on investigating the perspectives of dairy producers regarding calf rearing. She plans on returning to the Animal Welfare Program as a PhD student in the new year.
Erin A. Ryan
Congratulations to Erin A. Ryan for graduating with a Masters of Science in Applied Animal Biology, specializing in wild animal welfare! Erin’s MSc research focused on humane alternatives for rodent ‘pest’ control. Erin has returned to a full-time role with the BC SPCA’s Science & Policy Division, working on provincial wild animal welfare issues. She hopes to use the results of research to make changes in the pest control industry, and help municipalities and other institutions transition away from rodenticides – also communicating the harmful effects they have on owls, coyotes, and other animals.
Kathryn McLellan
Congratulations to Kathryn McLellan on graduating with her Masters degree in Applied Animal Biology! Kathryn’s research focused on investigating the effects of free-choice access to pastures and lameness in dairy cattle. Her research was done at the UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre and investigated how lame cows use pasture when provided with a choice and if pasture access aids in lameness recovery. Kathryn is currently at vet school at UCVM (University of Calgary vet med) where she hopes to continue working with dairy cows as a veterinarian in the future.
Kiaunna Lee
Congratulations to Kiaunna Lee for graduating with her BSc! Kiaunna’s directed studies included investigated the pasture preference of individual lame dairy cattle in response to environmental conditions and monitored coyote distribution around UBC campus in response to human presence. Moving forward Kiaunna is interested in researching wildlife conservation and understanding the underlying drivers of wildlife distribution and movement.
Lara Sirovica
Congratulations to Lara Sirovica on graduating with her Masters degree in Applied Animal Biology! Lara’s research focused on understanding public perceptions of cow-calf separation and dairy cow-calf management systems that differed in type of social and maternal contact provided. Moving forward Lara will be starting her PhD with the Animal Welfare Program to continue research in the field of animal welfare and in understanding the roles and perceptions of different stakeholders in animal agriculture, in human-animal interactions, and in improving animal welfare.
Laura Whalin
Congratulations to Laura Whalin for graduating with her PhD in Applied Animal Biology! Laura’s thesis focused on the behavioural development of young dairy calves. Her work provides evidence that housing and feeding management of dairy calves can be modified to promote natural feeding, active, and social behaviours. Laura will be joining the Norwegian Veterinary Institute as a Postdoctoral Fellow.
Nadia Xenakis
Congratulations to Nadia Xenakis for graduating with her Master’s degree in Applied Animal Biology. Nadia’s research focused on understanding how using avian contraceptives for pigeons at TransLink SkyTrain stations across the Lower Mainland could mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. She conducted a long-term applied study using trail cameras and data collected by TransLink to understand the relationships between pigeon populations and contraceptive use. Moving forward Nadia has started a new position as the Urban Wildlife Programs Coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society while continuing to work closely with UBC and Dr. Kristen Walker on human-wildlife conflict resolution involving coyotes in urban landscapes. Nadia is excited to continue to conduct research aimed at helping humans and wildlife co-exist.