What brought you to the Animal Welfare Program?
I chose the Animal Welfare Program because of the quality of research outputs, and the respected reputation of the faculty members. Prior to coming to UBC, I worked as a research consultant where I relied heavily on the AWP’s research outputs to develop industry sustainability tools. This experience inspired me to further pursue an academic path where I could contribute to improvements in animal welfare as an applied science researcher. I found the AWP to be a good fit as my interests at the intersection of animal welfare and qualitative research were welcomed.
What have you been doing since graduating from the AWP?
Since graduating from UBC, I have worked as a Science Officer with SPCA New Zealand where I advocate for improvements in welfare for animals in the wild, in science, and related to contentious topics such as cat management. I find my background, including my experience at UBC, has provided a solid foundation for working in evidence-based animal welfare advocacy.
What advice do you have for students?
My advice to students is to be open to where the opportunities may take you, even if they are not what you planned. Develop your networks to be as diverse as possible as this enables collaboration and inspiration. Take time to critically reflect on your work and the impact this has on others, both people and animals. Finally, there is so much work to be done to improve the lives of animals, so pace yourself and make sure to have some fun.
I can be found on Linkedin here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-sumner-71846745/