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In the news: Dr. Makowska publishes article on providing separate cages to mice in laboratories

In the news: Dr. Makowska publishes article on providing separate cages to mice in laboratories

The findings of the study by Dr. Makowask and her team have generated lots of media attention! See the links below for reports by UBC and CTV:

Dr. Cathy Schuppli recorded a webinar for the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare

Dr. Cathy Schuppli recorded a webinar for the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare

Dr Cathy Schuppli, Clinical Assistant Professor and a Clinical Veterinarian at UBC’s Animal Care Services, recorded a webinar titled “Superstar Rats Teach Empathy to Researchers” for the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. She discussed a creative method to foster a culture of empathy with new animal researchers entering an institution. Check […]

Congratulations to MSc Student, Maria Chen for winning the “People’s Choice” award for her presentation at the Land and Food Systems Graduate Student Conference.
AWP in the News: Dairy Herd Management Reports on a recent study investigating competitive behaviour of cattle at the water trough
Vancouver Foundation reports on the BCSPCA AnimalKind Program

Vancouver Foundation reports on the BCSPCA AnimalKind Program

To see a recent report by the Vancouver Foundation on the BCSPCA AnimalKind program, follow this link.